Is there a loved one in your life that is constantly practicing his/her swing, especially while NOT on the golf course? Like before bed, while on calls at work, or during Netflix and Chill time? Are they reading every top 100 Golf Digest teacher article and watching youtube instructional content on a constant loop? Well one of these gifts might be just the thing to make them feel a bit better about where they are with their game and make sure they are practicing with purpose.
Callaway Epic Flash Driver This is the driver I use and personally the only driver I hear about on a consistent basis (unprompted) from others about how much they love it and how much distance/accuracy they’ve gained by throwing it in the bag. WORTH. EVERY. PENNY.
Dave Pelz Putting Tutuor My club fitter at Callaway recommended this little beauty to me. With it, I have become the aforementioned person constantly practicing putting in my living room, but hey it works. It’s extremely simple, portable, easy to use both on the course and at home, takes up no room, takes not setup time, etc.
Eyeline Golf Putting Alignment Mirror I do not personally own one of these but I have seen it being used on the course by pros pre round to warm up so if it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for me! Someone recommended it to me but I just haven’t had a chance to try it out.
Hanger My golf coach says this the only tool he recommends to people. We use it often in my sessions and it does wonders to show me the type of feel and position I should have in my swing. Super easy to use, portable, simple…aka all my favorite things.
Eyeline Golf Speed Trap Don’t own this one but it’s been recommended to me so many times. Really helps with your swing path, corrects nasty habits like coming over the top, a slice, etc.
VariSpeed Putting System Don’t own this one but several friends do, have tried it out, and love it. If you’re looking for a more intense putting tool, have the room for it, and are really focusing on putting, I recommend this. Maybe even in conjunction from one of the other putting aids to truly get as much out of tools as possible.
Chippo Golf I love my Chippo set. I mean I had one at my wedding for crying out loud. Not only is it a fun game to have at your darties (day parties) but it’s a great training aid to put in your hallway and get rid of those chip yips and/or constant skulling of the ball.